
De wiki.kiconex
Revisión del 14:14 2 nov 2022 de FuzzyBot (discusión | contribs.) (Importando una nueva versión desde fuente externa)
(difs.) ← Revisión anterior | Revisión actual (difs.) | Revisión siguiente → (difs.)
  • General view. When accessing the platform, we are shown the default home screen, which is the general view.
  • Alarms. We are redirected directly to the alarm section.
  • Facilities. Selecting this option we can indicate which installation we want to access when logging in.
  • Diagrams. By selecting this option we can indicate which diagram we want to access when logging in.
  • Controls. By selecting this option we can indicate which control we want to access when logging in.
  • Charts. By selecting this option we can indicate which chart we want to access when logging in.
  • Libraries. We are redirected to the library section.
  • Users and Groups. We are redirected to the users and groups section.